Tag Archives: Chinese

Year of the Snake

Happy Chinese New Years- year of the snake – the snake is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, and self-control. Today I decided to take a picture of my most recent fan that Jeremy got for me to honor the Chinese New Years. When I was younger my family would draw names and exchange a gift and share a meal together. My Gong gong and Poh Poh (grandparents) would often send us Chinese New Years money and I have taken on the tradition of writing a yearly letter for the new year. Rather than sending Christmas cards I send a Chinese New Years letter to everyone who sent us a Christmas card and post it to Facebook. I prefer this anyways as the new year date changes every year so while folks may anticipate a letter the deadline is a little more lax (since not everyone tracks the date of the new year, still I usually manage to get the letter out early or right on time). Wishing you all the best! IMGP3703